- Do not use the hot tub until you have been shown correct operation from Christina, who will visit shortly after you arrive;
- It is advisable to shower before entering the hot tub to remove any body lotions etc. which will cause the water to discolour and foam;
- Please do not use if you are covered in fake tan or body glitter, it causes enormous problems with the jets and water. You will be charged for emptying, cleaning and refilling the hot tub;
- When using, always fold the cover right back, but do not remove completely;
- Tie long hair up to prevent from being caught or pulled into the filter and jets;
- Remove contact lenses before entering and jewellery which may scratch the internal surface;
- Consult your doctor first if you are pregnant or have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or other cardiovascular conditions;
- Persons with open sores or any type of infection should not use the hot tub as the hot water is an ideal environment for spreading infection;
- Never jump or dive into the hot tub, climb in carefully using the steps provided;
- Do not use the hot tub during severe weather conditions;
- Babies and Children under 5 years of age should not use the hot tub;
- Children over 5 years of age children should never be left unsupervised in the hot tub;
- No horse play in or around the hot tub as surfaces become very slippery;
- Do not use glassware for drinking in or around the hot tub. Please use plastic provided;
- Absolutely NO SMOKING or EATING whilst in or around the hot tub; and
- Always replace the cover when not in use.
- Occasionally on changeover days, the hot tub may need re-filling or extensive water treatment to meet our hygiene standards for new guests. In this instance, there may be a delay before new guests can use the hot tub.
- As other chalets may be occupied, please be considerate by keeping your noise to a minimum. We respectfully ask you to vacate your hot tub by 10.00pm.
- The hot tub will be unavailable between 9.00am – 10.00am to allow treatment and circulation of the chemicals and, depending on usage, again between 3.00pm – 4.00pm.
- Guests not staying in your chalet are not permitted to use the hot tub.