Posts Tagged ‘fields’

Feathered Life

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

I couldn’t resist photographing various birds around the farm

Nest full of young Swallows patiently waiting for feeding time So many mouths to feed










Feeding TimeA rare glimpse of mother feeding her young Swallows Baby Wagtail waiting for his feedBaby Wagtail waiting for his feed










A young Wagtail, one of two left from five eggs. Sadly not all survive. I stumbled upon this hen Pheasant sitting on her eggs.

Hen Pheasant sitting on eggs

Holiday Weather in May 2012

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

A beautiful clear dayWhilst out walking the dog I couldn’t resist running back to the house and grabbing the camera. Not a cloud in sight but the distant plane and it’s tail jets trailing behind. I wondered where it was heading. This time I wasn’t envious. Who needs to travel abroad when England has holiday weather like this.